A solidarity marathon conducted thanks to Italian generosity: a special edition of a popular quiz show brought the curtain down on the fundraising campaign broadcast on the RAI TV and radio networks that brought in donations totalling € 30,500,000; these funds will go towards supporting Telethon research into rare genetic diseases.
The real stars of this edition, together with many TV, cinema, music and sports personalities, were families, children and researchers, whose appeal entitled "Io Esisto" (I exist), reminded viewers and listeners of the importance of scientific research into diseases that are often forgotten. Also lending its support to Telethon and Italian research was the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, who sent a personal video message to Italian citizens.
Funds were raised not only through telephone donations, but also through the website www.telethon.it, the distribution of heart-shaped chocolates in squares throughout Italy at stalls set up by hundreds of volunteers and the numerous events and ideas organised by partner companies.
«Telethon exists thanks to the Italian people who choose to support us every day – commented Luca di Montezemolo, president of Telethon -. Thanks to them, important results have been obtained over the years. The extraordinary display of solidarity shown during this week has confirmed that people believe in research and are willing to make a contribution to it. Thanks go to all those people, to the RAI networks that allowed us to stage this important fundraising marathon, our partners, our researchers and families. All of them can rest assured of our commitment to work increasingly hard in order to support outstanding research with the goal of finding new treatment therapies».
During the fundraising marathon, the RAI networks made all their facilities and premises available in order to allow audiences to listen to the accounts of families and researchers, via TV, radio and internet. The “Io Esisto” charity show, broadcast on the evening of 13 December, bore the same name as was chosen for the 2013 Telethon fundraising campaign, in a continued attempt to focus closely on the plight of children and adults suffering from rare diseases. With them were the researchers who face new challenges every day in the laboratories where they work on finding new cures.
The charity show was not only a means of raising awareness; it was also exceptionally entertaining, bringing together in the same programme, for the first time, popular TV personalities and entertainers. Viewers were treated to the entertaining, emotional spectacle of the encounter between young Tommaso and his idol, Formula 1 champion and Ferrari driver Fernando Alonso.
Many stories featured offered a shining ray of hope: among those was the account provided by Luca Galimberti, the young disabled father who climbed Monte Rosa on a special sleigh and was joined in the studio by his little "helper", his son Lorenzo. Also taking part in the evening were the Telethon researchers behind a major discovery that has made it possible to find a cure for two severe genetic diseases: a 100% Italian result achieved thanks to Telethon. The researchers spoke of the emotions experienced thanks to this success, along with the families of the first children to be treated.A large number of partners contributed to Telethon fundraising: Bnl Gruppo BNP Paribas, Uildm – the Italian Union for the Fight Against Muscular Dystrophy, Simply, Auchan, Ferrarelle, Avis – Italian Voluntary Blood Donors Association, AamS – Autonomous Administration of the State Monopolies, NTV - Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori, Procter & Gamble, Nicky and CartaSi. The results achieved would not have been possible without the huge support provided by the RAI networks.